The Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia (SCAA) is a national industry association, that was formed in 1927 to represent the interests of Australian shearing contractors.

Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia
Events, Training & Workshops
Supporting the Industry with Best-Practice Education & Training

Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia
Supporting Shearing Businesses
Since 1927

Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia
Australia's Peak Shearing Body
Supporting the Shearing Industry Since 1927

Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia
Looking for Work?
Australia's Shearing Contractors Need Workers: Find Work Now

Shearing Contractors' Association of Australia
2025 SCAA AGM & Conference
June 5 & 6 | Queenstown NZ
What is SCAA?
How we support the Shearing Industry

SCAA Members can access relevant industrial awards and receive timely updates as the Awards are amended.

Supporting SCAA members' interests amongst various government, non-profit and industry organisations.

Health & Safety
Keep up to date with the latest in developments in Australian workplace health and safety legislation and practice.

Harvesting Jobs
Shearing contractors who are keen to hear from travellers and backpackers interested in joining the harvest trail.